I am here to announce that WILSON FAN PROJECT 2005 was a raving success. Everything went smoothly from start to finish. Mostly. Here's the run-down.
AVed at 4/29/2005 04:09:00 PM | LINK |
I know I suggested (or at least thought about) a computer break, but I wanted to throw a little information on the WWW before I began WILSON FAN PROJECT 2005. (it's more fun if you make it an event). Last night, Meg, Gardner, Ben & Skye, and I braved the 15 droplets of rain to attend the Anderson County 10th Annual Summer Soiree. It was quiet on a Thursday, but we had coffee so it was ultimately a rewarding event. Oh, and there's a guy who carves things with a chainsaw. I think Gardner needs a chainsaw.
AVed at 4/29/2005 11:40:00 AM | LINK |
It's been a hectic week. Fun. Challenging. And a bit hectic. We had a blow out of a LOST party last night, featuring kabobs of enormous stature, Sullivan's Black Bottom Peanut Butter Pie, and an hour-long refresher episode of LOST, leading us right into sweeps week which starts next week... 4 new episodes, season finale, you know the drill.
AVed at 4/28/2005 04:36:00 PM | LINK |
I'd just like to say that Home Group is one of the biggest blessings in my life, right now. Comraderie, fellowship, Bible study, you name it. It's all there. And food. That's there, too. If you're in the New Spring area, and you're not involved with a Home Group, get thee to Grouplink. You'll not regret it.
AVed at 4/27/2005 06:00:00 PM | LINK |
I have several things for you AV Club readers, today. First, this submission from Ben, COLOR IN MOTION. It uses video to show what impression individual colors mean. Useful and well presented.
AVed at 4/25/2005 03:15:00 PM | LINK |
My wife is the most avid blogger I think I know. She fully utilizes the technology, taking advantage of blogger for 4 different themed, but related, sites. She uses Picasa and Hello to post her photos. She maintains her pages with fresh content daily... sometimes posting a well thought out response to all of her sites.
AVed at 4/23/2005 10:55:00 PM | LINK |
Spend some quality time with whitekiwi. Play it online.
AVed at 4/23/2005 01:58:00 PM | LINK |
Gmail is integrating RSS slices (that you can customize, of course) directly into the Gmail window. Finally, news and information without added clutter. Now I have more RSS options than I can handle.
AVed at 4/23/2005 09:53:00 AM | LINK |
New Spring Community Church is seeking a full time Creative Director. If you are interested in applying, download the job description here (Adobe PDF, 52k).
AVed at 4/22/2005 11:35:00 AM | LINK |
AVed at 4/22/2005 11:02:00 AM | LINK |
Dad working in the garden (I was taking the picture, but honest, I was working hard that day). Anyone want watermelon? Seriously, I could feed New Spring with the numbers we planted.
AVed at 4/22/2005 11:02:00 AM | LINK |
The first wall, and beginnings of S.T.E.E.L. are being put in place at New Spring.
AVed at 4/22/2005 10:59:00 AM | LINK |
Well, National High Five Day 2005 is upon us today. To celebrate, high-five someone you don't know, then explain the special place this day holds in each of our hearts. Then watch the official VIDEO.
AVed at 4/21/2005 11:44:00 AM | LINK |
Here's a complete history of Computer and Motion Graphics. It's actually fairly interesting, and I'm going to put it in my PDA for later study. OK, now that was bad.
AVed at 4/20/2005 10:12:00 PM | LINK |
It's the Impactist reel. A sight to behold. I especially love their treatment of shot footage. Very stylistic and warm.
AVed at 4/20/2005 09:31:00 AM | LINK |
Whilst browsing Robot Factory, I came across the IMPACTIST site, as well. Note to self, get as good as these guys with the motion graphics thing.
AVed at 4/19/2005 11:24:00 PM | LINK |
this right here. Pretty.
AVed at 4/19/2005 11:02:00 PM | LINK |
I am strangely attracted to the navigation of this YAMAHA Global Gateway site.
AVed at 4/18/2005 05:02:00 PM | LINK |
Macromedia announces today that it will be acquired by Adobe in this press release. That makes for a very formidable combo.
AVed at 4/18/2005 04:42:00 PM | LINK |
RSS Popper, Thunderbird, NewsReader, BlogLines, Feedburner, AvantGo, AND now Gmail adds feed reading.
AVed at 4/15/2005 07:39:00 PM | LINK |
This makes me happy. UHaul in my neighbor's yard.
AVed at 4/15/2005 09:56:00 AM | LINK |
I'm still here, learning CSS and all things geek. AV Club v.2.0 is getting closer to release. Hey, once I get the hang of things, I'll probably change my blog as frequently as Shua.
AVed at 4/14/2005 05:27:00 PM | LINK |
I've been fairly quiet the past few days... minimal posts and all. Just so you don't think I've forgotten the AVClub, I'll keep you informed. I finally watched (and wasted 136 minutes on) Van Helsing yesterday. Weak CG, shallow plot, but I still like vampire movies so I'll let it slide. Still doesn't compare to Underworld, another recent vampire flick. The current soundtrack of my life is Beck's newest, Guero. It's great, a nice cohesive blend of Mutations and Odelay.
AVed at 4/12/2005 12:05:00 PM | LINK |
For you gaming geeks out there who enjoy a good tune, OverClocked ReMix offers quite a large catalog of mp3 video game soundtrack remixes. Go forth and nerdify.
AVed at 4/09/2005 11:55:00 AM | LINK |
I must say, I'm proud of my family. They are so "techie." It's inspiring to see them fully embrace the digital realm. Lest you wonder what I'm talking about, here's the current Blog Offerings from the Wilson/Gravely group.
AVed at 4/08/2005 07:33:00 PM | LINK |
One of my personal pet peeves is "'net speak," or pseudo-saavy computer talk. I don't like abbreviations, especially those that aren't immediately understandable. But no longer will I be held confounded by exclaimations of techie language. Now, there's the UrbanDictionary.com. You can look up the true meanings of words like w00t, LOL, and SIC. But, we all know, people who use these expressions are just n00bs.
AVed at 4/08/2005 12:26:00 AM | LINK |
RIP Jim. Beloved Fish (Swordtail).
AVed at 4/07/2005 02:03:00 PM | LINK |
As I was immersing myself in RES magazine's DVD tonight, I came across leftchannel. I've never heard of these guys before, but you need to check out their work. Visit the site, click on "Work," and watch the RJD2 video for "1976." It will probably blow your mind, or leave you thinking "I could do that... maybe... if I had enough time."
AVed at 4/06/2005 11:02:00 PM | LINK |
Shilo owns me. Their motion work is beautiful... look at their "most recent work" section for something pretty and inspiring. Oh, and the new RES TOP 10 is out. Get their Mar/April issue for details.
AVed at 4/06/2005 04:16:00 PM | LINK |
Google Maps has now integrated a satellite view into their mapping system. Now you can see my grass.
AVed at 4/05/2005 09:51:00 AM | LINK |
If you were under the impression that iTunes was not geek friendly, read this article and learn how deep the smartlist rabbit hole goes.
AVed at 4/03/2005 11:41:00 PM | LINK |
Google Blog reveals that gmail turns one on Friday, and releases a lot of new features. If you still want an account, just leave a comment here with your address.
AVed at 4/03/2005 11:21:00 PM | LINK |
AVed at 4/02/2005 12:18:00 AM | LINK |
It didn't take long for my "what if" scenerios to infest my newest favorite, the iPod mini that my wife gave me for my birthday. I just spent the greater part of this evening looking into ways to mod this beautiful little device and improve on Apple's already perfect interface. You know how geeks work. It started like this. You can rate songs on a 1 to 5 scale both in iTunes and on the iPod. Great. However, if you bypass the autosync routines in iTunes (I WOULD have to do the "manual" thing), then the ratings made on the iPod do not transfer. Well, that... just... won't... do. Now how to tweak the system to bring in the ever so precious ratings. Someone found a way to bypass the manual bug on ipodlounge. However, to do that, I would end up deleting the contents of my iPod and would have to reformat. No, I don't like the sound of that. So, enter my search for a way to move my iPod's contents back to the hard drive. I found it here. This little utility installs on the iPod itself, allowing you to plug it in to any computer and move songs off the iPod onto the computer. Then I found this. iPod Agent not only allows you to move tunes off the iPod, it will sync your Outlook mail, calendar, notes, RSS text feeds, Podcasts, you name it, to your iPod. It just keeps getting deeper. What's next?
AVed at 4/02/2005 12:05:00 AM | LINK |