
The Many ... of Megret

My wife is the most avid blogger I think I know. She fully utilizes the technology, taking advantage of blogger for 4 different themed, but related, sites. She uses Picasa and Hello to post her photos. She maintains her pages with fresh content daily... sometimes posting a well thought out response to all of her sites.

And because she puts so much into her sites, I felt compelled to unleash my CSS Skillz onto her default templates and create Meg's Blogosphere. Four sites, all interconnected, freshly coded this weekend. Take a look, let me know what you think, post any browser "glitches" to the comments on this post, or e-mail me.

The sites: Random Muses of Megret, Photos of Megret, Baby Wilson, Morsels of Megret (NEW!).

Production on AV Club v.2.0 has been put on hold until Meg's site is complete. I've hit a few CSS roadblocks, but after a triumph on today's projects (links above), I'm ready to tear back into it. Or skip AV Club v.2.0 and move directly to AV Club v.2.1. We'll see.

AVed at 4/23/2005 10:55:00 PM | LINK |