Motion Graphics - recommended
I occasionally get questions like "ken, where do you come up with your ideas," or "where do you draw inspiration from." This goes directly along with yesterday's post about feeding the creative reservoir. You need to have a stream of ideas filling your head so that when you need them, you can call upon them.
So, here are a few pieces I've seen recently that inspire me.
Motion Theory are one of my favorites. Be sure to watch the Reebok Wrapshear piece. I spotted this on TV the other day and was blow away.
Renascent is another favorite. Under the "Motion Graphics" tab, watch "A Thousand Suns - Prologue." Then spend some time browsing
Tween. He's always posting great links and good motion graphics.
And currently, I'm filling my head with this
book, 1000 Typography Treatments. It's amazing how one beautiful idea will launch my brain into a completely new direction.
Feeding the creative reservoir is a discipline. It's much easier to just watch TV. But you have to train yourself to look at media, visuals, and the world with the intent of drawing inspiration. Last night, my home group watched "
Hitch." It was great. As it was ending, Suzanne, one of the ladies in my group, mentioned something about how the dancing scene at the end would make a great opener.
I heard her idea, and it inspired some planning and sketching that lead to a fully-realized concept that will work perfectly for when we launch the series in a month or two.
Just keep your eyes open. Ideas are out there, millions of them. You just need one good one.
AVed at 9/01/2005 12:27:00 PM | LINK |