Wednesday wrap-up
I'd have to say, it's been a good day. I've finished up the Foundations opener, revised audio and all. Thanks to all for your suggestions and critique. It's helped me to refine it a bit.
I'll get it online later, however. Why? Because the Video Toaster is disconnected and cold for the time being. The MAC arrived today. I just got it powered up and running... tomorrow is the festival of Mac installation. Final Cut Pro (the entire 50 Gb suite), every Adobe product known to man... it's going to be a blast. Woohoo!
I just hope I don't become a Mac snob. You know, stickers, T-shirts, showing up at the store openings in cities across Amercia. C'mon, people... it's a COMPUTER. Of course, have you seen how pretty it is...
AVed at 7/13/2005 05:31:00 PM | LINK |