
Post from Dashboard

I'm trying out a new Mac dashboard widget that allows me to post to the AV Club directly from the dashboard. We'll see how this works.

By the way, while I'm here, I'll tell you some interesting stats about by blog. I'm averaging 70 unique visitors each day. Who ARE you people?

Of you guys, 35% are browsing with Internet Explorer. About 5% are using Safari (hello, Mac friends), and the remaining 60% are using some form of Firefox. Good for you.

11% of you are using an 800x600 monitor, and the rest of you are using a much larger size.

My thought is this... who are you and why do you visit the AV Club? What about the AV Club keeps you coming back, and what do you want to see more of? Comment and let me know.

Speaking of that, I'd like to stir more discussion in the comment section (doesn't every blogger?). What can I offer you to get you to share, discuss, and generally make this place a fun place?

If you'd rather, email me.

AVed at 7/25/2005 10:03:00 AM | LINK |