
Mac Update

Here's the skinny on the new Mac.

(1) I haven't tweaked out the Kona capture card yet. It's fairly tricky to get your head around. Not a bad thing, it'll just take time.

(2) After Effects works wonderfully well. I just burned through the opener's render in a few minutes. It's really, really quick.

(3) The "Apple" key is confusing me. There's Alt, Shift, Control, AND Apple. The "Apple" acts like a PC's "Control," which is doubly confusing since there's already another Control. My head may explode.

(4) The dual 23" monitors are absolutely beautiful and easy on the eyes. I've been working on the opener all day long with just a lunch break and my eyes aren't watering or hurting in the least. With the previous PC's CRT monitor, I would start going cross-eyed after a few hours. This is much, much better.

(5) I haven't spent much time in Final Cut Pro yet. No opinion at this point.

(6) I'm getting close to putting that Apple sticker on my car. Not there yet, but closer.

And for the last time, it's a TOOL, not a TOY.

AVed at 7/27/2005 05:14:00 PM | LINK |