
Successful evening (and movie review)

Tonight's "Lost Crew" (the group that watches Lost at our house when it's in season) got together tonight for quite-possibly-the-best homemade pizzas and movie time. Meg has a food review on her morsels site.

Lanna provided a classic (in her eyes) that I've never seen before. Before Sunrise (1995) is a quirky "boy-meets-girl" tale of two travelers that meet on a Europeon train and spend an entire evening wandering around Vienna, Austria. It's quirky in the nontraditional movie sense; it almost seems improvised. The musical score is nearly nonexistant, and the actor seem to be having an actual conversation as oppposed to reading from a script. There are strange conversations, fragmented thoughts. Themes run loosely through the film. I'd go on, but I wouldn't do the it justice. If you consider yourself a romantic, or like independent (at least in feel) movies, spend an enjoyable two hours being drawn in to this world.

Or you can read the script.

AVed at 6/29/2005 10:43:00 PM | LINK |