The rendering is complete, and all that's left is the drudgery of MPEG compressing for New Spring's American Soldier 4th of July message. The opener isn't as flashy (I don't think) as some of my other work, but it fits into the full worship experience's look and feel; it's one part of a whole.
AVed at 6/30/2005 05:50:00 PM | LINK |
Tonight's "Lost Crew" (the group that watches Lost at our house when it's in season) got together tonight for quite-possibly-the-best homemade pizzas and movie time. Meg has a food review on her morsels site.
AVed at 6/29/2005 10:43:00 PM | LINK |
I'm feverishly working on the visuals for New Spring's 4th of July service, entitled "American Soldier." I am cooking up a version of "America the Beautiful" right now, and will have clips + clips of the opener up tomorrow.
AVed at 6/29/2005 06:14:00 PM | LINK |
My wife Meg wrote a great article on her blog today. If you can spare a few minutes, I think you'll be touched by her talented writing. Take what she says to heart, as that's where her writing comes from.
AVed at 6/29/2005 10:19:00 AM | LINK |
OK, official review of the new iTunes v.4.9 update by Apple. The only change I am able to see as of yet is the addition of podcasting to the iTunes interface. It works fairly well, nothing too difficult. The podcasts (which, for the uninitiated, are basically online radio shows where the most recent episode is automatically downloaded to your iTunes for you) are served up through a similar interface as the Apple Music store. If you've ever wanted to hear a podcast, it's very easy to subscribe.
AVed at 6/29/2005 09:50:00 AM | LINK |
This is a picture of my beautiful Meg at her family reunion. I thought it was really cute, so it's now here on my blog.
AVed at 6/28/2005 11:39:00 AM | LINK |
Apple releases version 4.9 ofiTunes. It finally includes integrated podcasting. This is potentially a big deal. I just downloaded the update and will be reporting on it's ease of use, features, etc., later this week.
AVed at 6/28/2005 11:22:00 AM | LINK |
I didn't get photos up for the first one, but here is a photoset of Gardner's (Second)... Family Reunion. He really does enjoy going out and playing with his family. It's good to have a social baby. Until 7:30pm, when he turns into a pumpkin. But in daylight hours, he really enjoys seeing people.
AVed at 6/28/2005 07:17:00 AM | LINK |
As I shared with Shua, there's a new IM extension for Firefox. It's tiny and very efficient. For those who are into such things, it could be useful.
AVed at 6/27/2005 08:10:00 PM | LINK |
Today's Mac update. I talked with tech support for the third time. After about 30 minutes of deliberation and three different tech support personel, we've finally decided to call my beloved Mac D.O.A. It is now tightly packed in the box from whence it came, ready to return to its maker. In California.
AVed at 6/27/2005 05:30:00 PM | LINK |
Just think about it, we could each get our very own and have head-to-head duals. Get your very own Hamster Fighting Machines.
AVed at 6/25/2005 10:28:00 PM | LINK |
a new desktop (1280x1024). Or the smaller size here (1024x768).
AVed at 6/25/2005 01:02:00 PM | LINK |
I have spent the last two hours working on the Mac to discover that there's something seriously wrong and it must be taken in to a service center. It is, however, a machine and machines are subject to breakdown. No bother. I won't rant. I won't rave. Instead, I'm going to switch gears and write briefly about a few of the revelations I had on my recent trip to Chicago.
AVed at 6/23/2005 05:59:00 PM | LINK |
My son, Gardner, got his first fort yesterday. I built it from the boxes our Dell server came in. Enjoy the photo set on Flickr.
AVed at 6/23/2005 08:39:00 AM | LINK |
Oh my, go watch the Ronin's new Black Day to Freedom. It's dark, but amazing pacing.
AVed at 6/22/2005 10:15:00 AM | LINK |
Today's Apple news. The Mac is still pretty, but pretty don't edit the video. I was able to install OS X and all of the Adobe products yesterday, along with Magic Bullet for After Effects. Then I began the Final Cut Pro Installation Saga. It stated "Estimated Completion Time will be 8 hours, 56 minutes." Considering it took AE only 5 minutes to install, that seems a little hefty. I waded through the mess. And then the final disk (there are 6 DVDs) hung up. It said "please try reinstalling."
AVed at 6/22/2005 09:35:00 AM | LINK |
There are some new photos up on my Flickr page. Go and partake.
AVed at 6/21/2005 11:53:00 AM | LINK |
The first batch of photos from our trip to Willow Creek Church in Chicago, IL. These photos are all focused on the worship arts conference, itself.
AVed at 6/20/2005 07:05:00 PM | LINK |
The Power Mac G5 arrived last week. I used it 2 hours. It is now crashed in a unusable state. But I'm currently talking to the most wonderful tech support person in the world. Hopefully he can help me.
AVed at 6/20/2005 03:24:00 PM | LINK |'s yearly Summer Mix Series is active again. Go get you some mp3 mixes and let the good times roll.
AVed at 6/18/2005 06:15:00 PM | LINK |
Confession time. I have a gay cell phone ring. It really is. Everyone I know has the same cell phone, and we can never tell who the incoming call is for because the "decent" rings are all the same. So, I've changed my ring to one of the really annoying songs. I hate it. But I do know who's calling, now.
AVed at 6/16/2005 08:00:00 AM | LINK |
I owe you all a lot (and I mean we took over 400) more photos and details about the trip I just returned from. The worship group from New Spring just returned from Chicago to attend Willow Creek's Worship and Arts conference.
AVed at 6/16/2005 07:53:00 AM | LINK |
AVed at 6/16/2005 07:51:00 AM | LINK |
Dear FedEx,
AVed at 6/13/2005 09:42:00 AM | LINK |
Buck™ is one of my favorites, and they created an awesome package for the 2005 MTV Movie Awards. Go, watch, be impressed.
AVed at 6/12/2005 10:03:00 PM | LINK |
Just wanted to toss a quick note out there that my son, Gardner, just stood up for the first time. And I actually caught it on film (or DV, as the case may be). I'll post the video later.
AVed at 6/11/2005 06:33:00 PM | LINK |
Because I'm a huge fan of Zoolander (or here), I'm considering building one of these. And just so you know, "it's MAN. Mer-MAN."
AVed at 6/11/2005 01:51:00 PM | LINK |
Lanna did a wonderful job photographing Gardner a few weeks back. All of her photos are beautiful, take a look.
AVed at 6/10/2005 04:31:00 PM | LINK |
One of my favorite design collectives, WeWorkForThem, update with a new motion piece for Fuse network. WeWorkForThem = awesome. Fuse = awesome (great music channel, brilliant motion graphics, not afraid to take a stylistic risk). Also, yesterday the mail brought me a YouWorkForThem-sponsored book, 1000 Type Treatments. It's brilliant, and very inspiring. I love inspirational art books. They're wonderful to read when you're hitting a creative wall (I can feel one coming on so I'm going to be ready for it this time).
AVed at 6/10/2005 11:28:00 AM | LINK |
I'm fascinated with RSS news and the ways people consume information. I've recently delved into the world of bloglines, and I must say, it's becoming very useful. I currently read 31 blogs a day. Using bloglines, I was able to skim over all of them this morning in about 5 minutes. 5 minutes to stay on top of the world's news, technology news, design news, church news (leadership, technology, etc.), and family / friend news. Yeah, it's working for me. (and as an added bonus, on the right side of this page, you can see the blogs that I'm currently reading... fed from bloglines).
AVed at 6/09/2005 09:18:00 AM | LINK |
There are times when I am reminded how thankful I am for what God has done for me. This is one of those times. Here is a picture of where I used to work. That, there, is Isola Laminates, located in Ridgeway, SC. No, I'm no longer working in that very tall treater tower, but instead I'm utilizing the creativity God has gifted me with for His glory.
AVed at 6/08/2005 05:06:00 PM | LINK |
Now this is just plain cool. And it's all "jello-y."
AVed at 6/08/2005 10:45:00 AM | LINK |
I'm looking into ways to make site content easier to track for all of my readers out there. You'll notice on the right column, I've added some new links to various services that track blog content. I've been an RSS user for a while, primarily using desktop aggregators for everything (my current favorite is RSS Popper). However, I'm considering a few new options.
AVed at 6/07/2005 04:56:00 PM | LINK |
I must share this with you. I'm thinking, once we move into the new New Spring building, I may have to build one of these for by edit station.
AVed at 6/07/2005 01:54:00 PM | LINK |
Meg and I survived our first road trip with Little G. Meg recounts the most memorable parts of the trip in this blog post. Also, you can visit this page for photos (all 143 of them) of our trip.
AVed at 6/06/2005 11:02:00 AM | LINK |
I woke up at 5:45am on a perfectly good Saturday. We're heading off to Greensboro, NC for a wedding shower, wedding reception, and all around good time with friends and family. Think of me as I'll be at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on Sunday. It was Meg's Dad's second church he ever pastored back in the day. All I'm sayin' is that I'm expectin' some covered dish like you wouldn't believe. And if not, I think that Greensboro offers some wonderful food selections.
AVed at 6/04/2005 06:31:00 AM | LINK |
More fun for Star Wars fans, Star Wars: Episode III | Episode III Easter Egg Hunt.
AVed at 6/03/2005 01:44:00 AM | LINK |
Playing frisbee Monday night, waiting for the fireworks display to begin. It didn't. The so-called rain caused cancellation. Oh well, at least I got to work out my frisbee skillz with Matt and Sara.
AVed at 6/02/2005 10:19:00 AM | LINK |
Jason sent me this today. It's pretty fun, even if you're not a Star Wars fan. I particularly enjoy the Vadar taunts and ridicules.
AVed at 6/02/2005 08:59:00 AM | LINK |
It's Wednesday, and I'm on vacation until the following Monday. So to celebrate, here's a new desktop to make your computer pretty. And if you're the weird wide-screen-monitor-person, here's a bigger one.
AVed at 6/01/2005 05:29:00 PM | LINK |