MAKE: Blog has some interesting thing you can build, on your own, for fun. Wanna build your own R2D2. They'll show you how. I've been considering subscribing to the magazine. Has anyone read it? Is it worth a read?
In other news, tomorrow is my 5th Wedding Anniversary.
Meg's site has many more details, and even the rogue picture or two of us on that bless'd day. Stroll by and enjoy. We're recreating a smattering of our dates from the past tomorrow... it should be fun. A camera will be involved, and so I'll have photos for you all to enjoy soon enough.
In geek news, one of my Production Team members so kindly came up to the office for a few hours to teach me the finer points of Illustrator. I'm still two versions behind (using v.10), because I haven't mastered enough of it to bother upgrading. I'm feeling much more confident on it now, however. I feel a new desktop in the works.
Have a great weekend!
AVed at 5/19/2005 06:04:00 PM | LINK |