If you look at the top page of the AV Club, you'll see my first Side Project, a series of promo videos for Anderson College, here in Anderson, SC. Feel free to watch through the Quicktimes and comment back, I could use the input. My charge was to create 5 pieces that would highlight different aspects of the college, with the theme "A College with Spirit" driving the entire promotional. The videos will supplement a printed brochure, as well as a CD-ROM. The identity had already been set when I began work, so just I opted to use the "spirit of..." for each of the pieces. The footage was unfortunately not shot by yours truly, so I worked with what raw material was made available by the college. I was particularly proud of the Campus piece (video 03), where I was provided with about 800 stills taken around the college. It made for a nice creative opportunity, almost out of necessity. Take a look and let me know what you think.
AVed at 8/02/2004 11:32:00 AM | LINK |