
What's new here. There are so many things. In case people do not know, New Spring (my church, my work) had its highest attendance ever this past Sunday. There were 3,221 people there! It's awesome to see God growing this church and constantly bringing people. I am fortunate to have a creative outlet where I can use my gifts that God has given me for his glory.

Also, Saturday before last we had baptism at New Spring. A total of 111 people were baptized onstage in a hot tub. It was great. Unfortunately for those getting dunk'd, the power breaker that controlled the heater in the hot tub tripped. Our pastor was chilled to the core. Fortunately, he drank another red bull or two and was fine.

I don't have any creative sites to direct you to today. Sorry. Maybe later.

AVed at 3/01/2004 10:30:00 AM | LINK |