
Now THAT's a demo reel. Geez, louise.

DFORM1. 2004_reel

ps - watch out for some questionable material.

AVed at 5/31/2004 03:55:00 PM | LINK |



AVed at 5/29/2004 11:05:00 AM | LINK |


video for Circlesquare's "Non-Revival Alarm's"
Visualized by Bienvenido cruz - copper.
You should take the time to watch all 37 Mb (4m45s) of it. Enjoyable.

Great composite with the dark blackness, and good distortions of the video.


AVed at 5/27/2004 11:18:00 AM | LINK |


Ok, so here is my first dive into Stop-Motion animation.
Beast (4.6 Mb, Quicktime)
I like animation. I want to bring more things to life.

AVed at 5/26/2004 05:07:00 PM | LINK |

Looking for good stock audio of high-impact elements? I recommend these guys wholeheartedly. VideoHelper's Noise Generator site is the perfect solution for whatever solution you're looking for.


AVed at 5/26/2004 04:52:00 PM | LINK |

In case you don't, you need to visit every day. I mean it, every day. And look for the clever new postings that they have available.

The News Feed is the most worthwhile part of their site.


AVed at 5/26/2004 09:15:00 AM | LINK |


elasticspace looks like it offers some clever and creative motion graphics samples for viewing. I'm going to dig through the "Experimental Work" section as soon as I get to a high speed connection.

AVed at 5/16/2004 09:28:00 PM | LINK |


An article about Squarepusher... from a bass player's perspective. Interesting.


AVed at 5/15/2004 10:11:00 AM | LINK |


Idiocase - James Widegren

Good motion graphics. Good.

AVed at 5/13/2004 05:50:00 PM | LINK |

"Close Enconters," a new series from New Spring, begins this week. The premise is "people who have had a close encounter with Jesus," and it promises to be an exciting one.

Download the intro HERE. (15 Mb)

Many thanks to Ben Thomas, who built the 3D models for this one. It just wouldn't have looked pretty without him. Also thanks to WeWorkForThem for providing some of the inspiration.


AVed at 5/13/2004 10:19:00 AM | LINK |


Visit our parental blog, babywilson.blogspot.com for some great pictures and baby updates.

AVed at 5/08/2004 10:07:00 AM | LINK |


Here is a free (ad supported, I believe) JPEG compression utility. I think this will work nicely for preparing photos for e-mail

Download from HERE


AVed at 5/07/2004 12:59:00 PM | LINK |


Hi. My name is Ken, and I used to post on this blog. Only kidding... it's just been a very, very busy week and I haven't had the chance to scope the web for any great tips or resources, much less have I had time to post my thoughts to blog.

I thought I'd drop you a few quick notes, just to keep you coming back (assuming that you're even out there in the first place).

First, for Dan, here are the songs of the week (the new ones)

Second, I'll post a new intro by the end of the week... something special for Mother's Day. Keep you eyes peeled.


AVed at 5/06/2004 12:51:00 PM | LINK |