
Go to churchmedia.net or www.anthonycoppedge.com and read Anthony Coppedge's wonderful articles on church media. Great stuff.

AVed at 1/30/2004 09:01:00 AM | LINK |


Hey out there PDA owner. Do you use Avant Go? If not, AvantGo. Do you have a blog. If not, Blogger. NOW... do you want to post to your blog from Avant Go... offline... sync it and post later. Then AvantBlog.

AVed at 1/29/2004 04:43:00 PM | LINK |

Great site for keeping site statistics. This service is free, and it tracks your web traffic.


Set up a free account, then add their small snippit of code to your main page. That's it. Very easy. Monkeys could do this, but why woudl they want to?

AVed at 1/29/2004 03:50:00 PM | LINK |


Terragen, again.

AVed at 1/28/2004 04:11:00 PM | LINK |

More about Terragen. Go to this site, Terrasource.net, for links to Terragen tutorials, plugins, etc.

By the way, I have toyed with Terranim's scripter for animation, and it really speeds things up quite a bit. Look for a scene from Terragen to be posted here in the near future.

AVed at 1/28/2004 03:24:00 PM | LINK |


Another site for CamPath here

AVed at 1/27/2004 01:32:00 PM | LINK |


For those of you who love Terragen and want to animate it, go here, to Terranim's site, to download a better scripter for animations. You can also find a better scripter for animations over at CamPath.

I haven't tried these out yet, but I'll toss on a review and recommendation when I have the chance to play with them.


AVed at 1/26/2004 01:47:00 PM | LINK |


After Effects tutorials from HERE

AVed at 1/22/2004 02:27:00 PM | LINK |

Nielson's usability page

AVed at 1/22/2004 02:26:00 PM | LINK |

Food Database for Roger.

Download it here.

AVed at 1/22/2004 10:43:00 AM | LINK |


A host of good plugins and tutorials for Terragen. Come over to Ashundar Terragen Community.

Thanks Jared for that link.


AVed at 1/19/2004 01:26:00 PM | LINK |


Good site, Veer
Illustrations, typography, and motion clips. Be sure to grab a desktop or two.


AVed at 1/15/2004 10:32:00 AM | LINK |


A new intro for New Spring's newest series, Major League.

Download it here.

AVed at 1/14/2004 10:35:00 AM | LINK |

Free AE plugins! This site, Neosapien, has a free flame fractal plugin some may enjoy.

A large selection of plugins, commercial and free, can be found at AEFreemart.com.

This may be helpful.


AVed at 1/14/2004 10:33:00 AM | LINK |


A couple of new toys for you to download. First is the program Terragen, featured in the most recent issue of Digit Magazine. Terragen provides an easy way to create photorealistic nature scenes... mountians, rivers, lakes, clouds... whatever. The great news is there's a free version available. Download it here (www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/download.shtml). The only limitations are that it limits the still image render size to 1280x960 and terrains to 513x513 pixels. Also, with the full version you get better anti-aliasing modes. Regardless, give this free download a try.

Second, I've found some wonderfully inspiring motion graphics sites to visit.

Brand New School
Bubble & Squeak
Design in Motion

Every one of these sites are on my "daily visit list." Enjoy.


AVed at 1/07/2004 09:08:00 AM | LINK |